Betekenis van:
mouth off

to mouth off
  • iets belangrijks uiten
  • talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner



to mouth off
  • door koorts verward en onsamenhangend spreken
  • talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner





  1. He used to be well off and generous, but now he lives from hand to mouth.
  2. Guess what the managing director started off the meeting by saying. The first thing out of his mouth was an announcement of some major restructuring.
  3. Toys and their parts must not present a risk of asphyxiation by closing off the flow of air as a result of airway obstruction external to the mouth and nose.
  4. Toys and their parts must be of such dimensions as to not present a risk of asphyxiation by closing off the flow of air as a result of internal airway obstruction by objects wedged in the mouth or pharynx or lodged over the entrance to the lower airways.